Корзина пуста

Medieval bakery v.3

Артикул: 121-1
35 USD
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Предполагаемый срок поставки: 12 октября

This set includes a bread oven, a warming oven, two baker's work tables, highly detailed backsides, a mill, a basket with cabbage, a can of milk, a bottle of butter, several bags of flour and fruits, and the figure of the baker on a base.

Hand cast in high-quality resin at 30mm scale.

Sold unpainted.

Assembly required.

Some parts need to be removed from sprues.

*Other figurines showed only for scale purposes.

Click here to buy an STL file for self-printing.

All of our miniatures and props are ideal for use in all 28-35mm tabletop games: D&D, Pathfinder, Star Wars, Fallout, Warhammer, and many others.

The Baker spread flour across the work table, silently giving homage to Vesta, the goddess of the Hearth. Kneading the dough, he reflected on how hard the past few months had been on the bakery. The new tavern up the road specialized in baked goods and had really taken a large portion of the Baker’s business. He would be lying if he didn’t admit that their roast pig pie wasn’t better than his.

But things were going to change soon; for fortune had smiled upon him. Marko the apple seller, his old friend, had agreed to sell him several bags of his amazing fresh apples on credit. Reaching for the cinnamon, the smell making him smile, soon the scent of hot apple pies and fresh bread would be in the air.

It was only be a matter of time before they would be lining up to buy his wares and he would be on track by winter time.

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