Корзина пуста


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Small update

Closed metal boxes is available for purchase.

Old "Steel closed crates" set is out of stock now.

New tiny furnishings here!!!

Happy to introduce you our new furniture sets!

1) Medieval bakery

This set includes a bread oven, a warming oven, two baker's work tables, highly detailed backsides, a mill, a basket with cabbage, a can of milk, a bottle of butter, and several bags of flour and fruit.

The old "Village bakery" is out of stock now.

2) Dark Magister's corner bookshelf (new version)

The old Corner Bookshelf is out of stock now.

3) Dark Magister bookshelves (new version)

The old set "Dark Magiter Bookshelves" is out of stock now.

4) Two empty bookshelves (new version)

The old set "Two empty bookshelves" is out of stock now.

More tiny furnishing here!

1. Dark Magister reading corner (new version)

The Dark Magister, holding a mug of cider, walked over to the new bookcases. Carved by elves from self-grown trees, covered with paint with the addition of underground mushrooms, they fit perfectly into the gloomy surroundings of his dark office.

Fully customized bookcases. You can change the shelves and front decoration panels.
High detailed backside.

2. Dungeon Candles

3. Taurs Chief

New miniatures from Tiny Furniture! “Tiny Market Square” - 28mm citizens for historical or fantasy games with miniatures.

Hello! That is Anastasia.

Just wanted to tell you that we have launched our second fundraising campaign on IndieGoGo!

We are expanding into new genres and want to create the new line of miniature medieval citizens, which you can use in your tabletop roleplaying games and wargames.

3D models of miniatures have already been developed: nobles, merchants, Bishop, Courtesan, and others. All these models will be printed on a high-quality printer, and then cast in resin.

We need your support on IndieGoGo right now ^_^

Check all the perks here https://igg.me/at/tinymarket/x/16409156



Dangerous Catowl is here!

Magical creature - Catowl is already available for purchase!