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Tractor wheels!

New Tractor wheels for your post-apoc barricades already in the store!

New figures!

New  28mm figures are already in the store!

1) Torturer

2) Manhunter

New tiny furnishings are here!

New miniatures already available for purchase!

1) Redesigned Medieval bar (the old one is out of stock from now)

2) Egypt sarcophagus (the old set "Coffins and sarcophagus" is out of stock now)

3) Wood stools (the "Set of chairs" is out of stock now)

4) Wood chairs

5) Two nightstands

6) Wood lecterns 

7) Books and scrolls (the old "Books kit" is out of stock now)

8) Cleaning equipment

9) Ammo boxes (the old "Ammo boxes" is out of stock now)



New redesigned itemes arrived!

Hello tinyfurnishers!

We glad to introduce new bestsellers!

1) Bandit's Camp

Everything was resculpted: Tents, bedrolls, campfire. We add new accessories inside: camping pot, sitting stumps, and weapons.

The old Bandit's Camp is out of stock now.

2) Scriptorium copyist desk

Stunning furniture set! Highly detailed table with ancient manuscripts and scrolls, elevated copying stand, chair, barrel with scrolls, and a set of writing accessories.

Old Apprentice reading table is out of stock now.

3) Old tube TVs

Two vintage tube TVs. Good for your "Barren Lands" collection.

New Treasure Hunter Table and other updates!

Hello, tiny-furnishers! :D
Just wanted to show you our redesigned Treasure Hunter Table!
It is absolutely new EVERYTHING here: the new table with papers and small metal casket box on top, the wooden barrel with maps, the new chair, and entirely interactive chest with two types of treasures!

Also check the new bedrolls for your adventurers!

And a lot of new chests and crates!





New tavern tables with drinks!

Redesigned round tables with drinks are already here!

Exclusive dealer in Japan!

I'm happy to tell you that now we have the exclusive dealer in JAPAN!
So if you live in Japan the best way is to order the tiny furnishings here: https://hermitinn.theshop.jp/categories/281321