Корзина пуста

Medieval kitchen v.2

Артикул: 129-4
40 USD
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Предполагаемый срок поставки: 12 октября

Tiny medieval kitchen.

This set includes:

  • two braziers
  • two stone walls
  • two vents
  • fireplace with the cauldron
  • piglet on a spit
  • hanger with apron
  • kitchen island with supplies
  • shelf with spices
  • stool
  • two pans
  • pot
  • figure of the cooky with the base

Hand cast in high-quality resin at 30mm scale.

Sold unpainted.

Assembly required.

Some parts need to be removed from sprues.

Click here to buy an STL file for self-printing.

All of our miniatures and props are ideal for use in all 28-35mm tabletop games: D&D, Pathfinder, Star Wars, Fallout, Warhammer, and many others.

Agnes loved the hustle and bustle of the kitchen before meal time. The smells of the roasting pig coated in rosemary reminded her that she hadn’t had time for lunch because trip to the market had taken longer than expected. She had finally been able to track down some cabbage for a reasonable price so the Lady of the House would have one less thing to screech about… though if dinner was late there would be no saving them from her wrath. Quickly Agnes went about helping the other kitchen staff finalize the meal. To the untrained eye surely the noises and hurrying about here and there would seem like total chaos. To Agnes this felt like home, and these people were her family. Smiling to herself she began singing a simple drinking song while she cut the cabbage. Soon everyone was singing. 

Story by Chriss Suess

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